UrMob Partner Scheme : LinkToUrMob

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Linking To UrMob

The simplest way to promote UrMob is to link directly to the site. This gives the visitors access to the full functionality of the site.

When you send a user to UrMob we record that they came through your link and ensure your network IDs are used 85% of the time. Even if they leave the site and come back later in the year your network IDs will still be used.

Homepage Link

To link to the UrMob home page the format to use is: -

You should replace {username} with your partner scheme username and {clickref} with a reference that will be shown in the reports available from the networks, this allows you to track where your sales are coming from. This should contain just letters, numbers and hyphens. If your don't want to use a click reference then you can just replace it with a +.

If your username was qwerty and you wanted to use homepage as your click reference then the address would be: -

If you didn't want to take advantage of the click reference feature the address would be: -

Deep Linking

Deep linking is the process of linking to a page other than the UrMob home page. You can deep link to any page on the UrMob site.

To deep link to a page first browse the UrMob site and find the page you wish to link to. You should then take the address of the page, remove http://ww.urmob.co.uk/ from the start and add what remains to the end of your normal home page link. That is all there is to it!

Imagine you wanted to link to the page listing all the deals for the Nokia N93. By browsing UrMob you would find the address of that page is http://www.urmob.co.uk/mobile/Nokia/N93/

Removing http://www.urmob.co.uk/ from the start leaves you with mobile/Nokia/N93/

Adding that after the standard homepage link gives: -

If your username was qwerty and you wanted to use Nokia-N93 as your click reference then the final url would be: -